Sofia Airport Center
Sofia, Bulgaria

This business campus is close to the Sofia's international airport consisting of offices, hotel, logistics spaces and also central plaza with a waterfeature.
doc. Ing. arch. Jakub Cigler, Int'l. Assoc. AIA
Dipl. arch. Vincent Marani, AIA
Technical director
Ing. Petr Kužela
Main project engineer
Ing. Jan Krátký
Project architect
Ing. arch. Antonín Holubec
Ing. Jan Krátký
Mgr.A. Alžběta Solárová
Ing. arch. Pavel Neuberg
Ing. Aleš Raimr
Ing. Martin Vítek
Ing. Arch. Antje Stuchlik
Total area
12,4 ha
Total floorage
165.000 m2