Kamenné Žehrovice - residential complex
Kamenné Žehrovice, CZ

An extensive study of residential district rehabilitating former mine Wannieck area near the village Kamenné Žehrovice. The design reflects a "memory space" - keeps architecturally valuable buildings and adds semi-detached houses, villas and apartment houses. The study also contains the solution of square, riding-school and a lake beach with sport and recreational activities.
doc. Ing. arch. Jakub Cigler, Int'l. Assoc. AIA
Dipl. arch. Vincent Marani, AIA
Technical director
Ing. Petr Kužela
Main project engineer
Ing. Aleš Raimr
MgA. Pavel Hrubý
Ing. arch. Martina Sýkorová
Ing. arch. Lukáš Vacovský
Total area
18.5 ha
Total floorage
40,.974 m2